
  • Skyrim Reset Exterior Cell
    카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 8. 15:35

    These advanced cleaning steps will force exterior and interior cells to reset, despawning and respawning almost all actors in the game, among other things. For a more complete description of what a cell reset does, visit this UESP wiki page. To make sure almost all cells reset, it is necessary to wait for 31 days. Reloads the current cell: Reset rotation: CTRL+K: Resets current selection rotation to 0,0,0: Resnap references: SHIFT+K: Snaps current selection to current grid snap reference: Save: CTRL+S: Saves plugin: Scale a light's fade distance: CTRL+ALT+S: Scale a light's FOV: ALT+B: Scale a light's FOV: ALT+S: Scale a reference: S: Hold down 'S' and move mouse to scale reference.

    I read many different sources regarding Skyrim timescale, and whilst it's clear that setting it too low will definitely break your game (quests and NPC schedules & behaviour), I did not find any consistent info in regards to what is the safe threshold.There are reports of the following values: 10, 8, 6 and 5 being the border values.My question is - does anyone have any evidence or experience which is actually safe to use? I used to use timescale 8, it played nicely with my style of gaming (slow pace, exploratory role playing). For this playthrough I raised it to 10 to be on a safe side, but I find it a tiny bit too high, and I would like to lower it to 8 again.What are your thoughts on this guys? The default timescale is 20.That being said all the game is tailored around this value.


    Skyrim Reset Interior Cell

    So any script that needs a duration will be affected if you change the way time passes.I played with a timescale of 10 and never see any difference in quest. But I did see some strange behaviour on NPC like a store opened after 9pm.

    Usually a reload of the game fixed the problem. So it is possible it might not be related. But I never had the problem on the default timescale.In the end I prefer the original timescale, it allows me to see different time of day on short playtime session. I played with a timescale of 10 and never see any difference in quest. But I did see some strange behaviour on NPC like a store opened after 9pm.

    Usually a reload of the game fixed the problem. So it is possible it might not be related. But I never had the problem on the default timescale.Strange timing of events like shops closing / opening or delayed NPC actions might be related to setting iPresentinterval=0 in skyrimprefs.ini.I suggest reading this claiming that iPresentinterval should not be disabled.Basically the idea presented there is that the Skyrim's internal timing is based on rendered frames, and disabling iPresentinterval will break that function of the game. Definitely we know that turning iPresentinterval off will allow Skyrim to render in excess of 60 FPS, and anything above that will result in issues with the havoc engine's physics of the game, so is is recommended to use an FPS limiter to avoid that problem.Reading through that entire thread, though, it's unclear to me whether using an FPS limiter to clamp to a maximum of 60 will bring back normal internal timing to the game in the way that iPresentinterval provides.So, I leave it enabled ( iPresentinterval=1) just to be on the safe side. Of course, with my relatively 'weak' GPU, I don't usually get frame rates well above the 40's except in interiors, so I don't experience the stuttering that people claim happens with iPresentinterval enabled. Strange timing of events like shops closing / opening or delayed NPC actions might be related to setting iPresentinterval=0 in skyrimprefs.ini.I suggest reading this claiming that iPresentinterval should not be disabled.Basically the idea presented there is that the Skyrim's internal timing is based on rendered frames, and disabling iPresentinterval will break that function of the game. Definitely we know that turning iPresentinterval off will allow Skyrim to render in excess of 60 FPS, and anything above that will result in issues with the havoc engine's physics of the game, so is is recommended to use an FPS limiter to avoid that problem.Reading through that entire thread, though, it's unclear to me whether using an FPS limiter to clamp to a maximum of 60 will bring back normal internal timing to the game in the way that iPresentinterval provides.So, I leave it enabled ( iPresentinterval=1) just to be on the safe side.

    Of course, with my relatively 'weak' GPU, I don't usually get frame rates well above the 40's except in interiors, so I don't experience the stuttering that people claim happens with iPresentinterval enabled. Here's something totally on topic that I forgot to mention about slower timescales (below 20).Exterior & Interior / Dungeon cell NPC respawn times are based on game time, not real world time.So if you slow down how fast the game time passes, then it will feel to the player that it takes longer for cells to respawn new NPCs.Therefore, I suggest changing both of Cell Respawn Time values to be lower if you like to encounter new NPC 'enemies' often. This can be done in the Tweaks section of Wyre Bash's Update Bashed Patch window.For example, If you reduce the timescale by half to 10, then set Cell Respawn Time from 10 to 5 days, and Cell Respawn (Cleared) from 30 to 15 days.If you use lifestorock's, then these respawn times can be set in the mod's MCM menu, along with his wonderful respawn time randomization features which add a level of unpredictability to when cells are cleared and new NPCs spawned.Edited by keithinhanoi, 14 March 2014 - 04:19 AM. This topic has always interested me.

    Although I've defeated most major problems with Skyrim: Mod conflicts, CTD. I have had my game on Timescale 10, set via wyre bash and have never had a single issue. Even Lucien's sister shows you how to get to Bleak Fall's Barrow in a timely manner. But now that you mention it, I have noticed that there is a 8-12 second delay as people cue up to go indoors, its no biggie.I found that at Timescale 10 and using iNeeds at default settings, the hunger/thirst/sleep cycle is near perfect compared to the default settings in RND.

    ExteriorSkyrim reset exterior cell repair

    Skyrim Reset Exterior Cell

    I can get up at 7 and work till 11 and still function.Edited by Garfink, 14 May 2014 - 03:24 AM.

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